What does it cost to ship a car?

Learn how auto transport pricing is determined and how to use that knowledge to save money.

Saving money on car shipping.

In this article, I'm going to help you understand what determines car shipping prices and why. I'll start by giving you some baseline pricing, and then cover each aspect that will impact that price either positively or negatively. Car shipping prices vary widely and can be complicated to estimate, and the best way to get accurate prices is by requesting quotes from experienced car shipping companies. Let's dive right in.

An example shipment

Let's say I wanted to have an average sized car transported from Houston TX over to Tucson AZ. That's around 1000 miles. A route like that will typically come in at about 700 dollars. It's a straight shot on Highway 10 between two populated areas. There are large cities along the route for the transporter to potentially make additional pickups or deliveries, so it's not out of the way or inconvenient. So let's have a look at how that price could change for different situations.

How much does the size of a vehicle increase the price?

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that the larger a vehicle is the more it will cost to ship. An auto transport company will try hard to keep their trailers full of cars and trucks to make as much profit as possible along their routes. You can't blame em! But how much more do large vehicles cost? Well for a large sedan or a small SUV like a Toyota Avalon or a Subaru Forester you can expect to add around 75 dollars. That's not too bad but a large SUV or a full size truck will increase the price a little more and come in around 125 dollars. A dually truck, large van or a large work truck with racks and tool bins is going to be an additional 250 dollars.

Does the weight also affect the price?

Yes, weight definitely affects the price of car shipping quotes. Many modern cars weigh in at around 2700 pounds, while a typical truck can easily weigh over 6000. Auto transport companies have to keep weight limits in mind all the time. Legal limits for public roads and the limits for the type of car trailer they are using. If you are shipping a little Mini Cooper, you're going to get a great deal, no doubt about it. Most cars and trucks are not unusual enough to warrant a price increase or decrease, however older steel body cars and trucks (think 1950's era Cadillac) or modified work trucks weigh an awful lot compared to their modern day counterparts and will often cause the price to increase.

A breakdown of price over distance

Even though car shipping companies will quote a customer a total price to transport vehicles, they actually calculate the base price on a per mile rate and I'm going to give you this insider information. A transporter using a large multi deck transport trailer that can transport between 9 and 11 vehicles generally stick to long hauls on freeways crossing the county. They are looking for routes around 2000 miles or more and typically charge .50 cents per mile, though for longer hauls it can get down to .40 cents per mile! If you are only shipping around 1000 miles you can expect to pay close to .75 cents for each mile driven. If you are close to a major highway, you might get a big hauler, otherwise you can expect a smaller truck hauling 3 to 5 vehicles. For shorter runs around 500 miles or less you should expect to see base prices approach about a dollar per mile.

There is not a whole lot that can be done to reduce this price. However, if you're working with a good broker and have a flexible pickup date, your broker can keep an eye out for a transporter passing through your area and running with open spots. They may be willing to load your vehicle at a reduced rate. That's supply and demand working in your favor!

Pickup and delivery locations are important too

Any time a car or truck needs picked up or delivered in either a less populated area, or further than about 25 miles from a major freeway along their route, the prices start to increase. The more remote, the more costs tend to rise. Auto transport companies lose money when driving with empty spots on a trailer. So to make up for the time spent, extra fuel used, and empty trailer space they charge more to deviate from a route along major highways. Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule for pricing I can share with you here, it really comes down to each individual shipping company and what they are willing to accept. That is why working with an experienced car shipping broker is so important. Their job is to research and dig to find the best match for you.


There are busy seasons at various times of the year which will have an impact on car shipping prices. It's all driven by supply and demand. Summer is the peak season nationwide when most people tend to move around. Prices during the summer months are usually around 200 dollars more than during the winter. Holidays are usually marked up around 300 dollars. Some price fluctuations are regional. For example every spring and fall, the rush to transport vehicles from the northeastern states down to florida and back for snowbirds causes the price to increase, but only in one direction. So if you wanted to transport a car from Florida up to Maine while everyone else is headed the opposite way, you're going to find the deal of a lifetime!

The different types of auto transport trailers

The type of trailer you require has a pretty significant impact on the pricing. If you have an expensive classic or exotic car and require an enclosed trailer to protect it from dirt, rain, or any other transport hazards you will pay around 50% more than you would for an open carrier. Most people will do just fine with the more common and inexpensive open trailers and enjoy a much cheaper price. The size of the trailer used can also play a role in your final price. Larger muti-deck car transporters are more economical than the small "hotshot" trailers that can only fit 2 or 3 vehicles. Unfortunately, your choices there are going to be dictated primarily by your pickup and delivery locations. I will discuss that in more detail in a minute.

Does it cost more to ship a vehicle that isn't running?

Cars, trucks and vans that are not in good running order and cannot be simply driven onto the trailer definitely cost more. You may even be required to find a carrier with special equipment or trailer setup to handle a disabled vehicle. Drivers often reshuffle the cars loaded on their trailers to allow for pickups and deliveries along their route and a disabled car or truck can be a big headache. If the vehicle has good tires and can roll, steer and brake, you can expect to add an additional 100 dollars. Anything that must be loaded with a forklift or winched onto the trailer will cost significantly more. The price is determined on a case by case basis, but adding an extra 500 dollars is not uncommon.

Timing and schedules

The last thing that will modify the price on your car shipping quote is a time constraint. If you need a car picked up immediately or next day latest, it will usually run an additional 500 dollars unless you get very lucky and happen to find someone already in the area whose route happens to take them where you need to go. But that is not a scenario I would count on happening very often. Extending that out to a second day can help make it only 200 to 300 dollars extra. Planning ahead and being as flexible as possible can save quite a lot of money.

Drivers can average about 500 miles in a day. Some days they need to head outside of a route for a pickup or delivery. Loading, unloading, and reshuffling cars on the trailer takes time out of the available hours in any given day. Add in an unforeseen mechanical issue or bad weather and traffic delays and it quickly becomes difficult to guarantee a delivery date. Especially on long distance moves. That's why auto transport companies give delivery window that firms up as they get closer. A 1000 mile delivery like in our example will take about 3 or 4 days while a 2000 mile delivery has a bigger window of 5 to 8 days.

If you need expedited shipping let your broker know and they will do their best to find a transporter that will be able to accommodate you.

The wrap up

Well that was a pretty exhaustive list of all the different variables that go into determining a price for car shipping. Congratulations for sticking it out till the end! You now have all the information you need to be able to work out a great deal on your next auto transport. I'm sure you can see what an advantage working with a broker is. Leveraging their years of experience and relationships in the industry can really save you from spending days on the phone and quite a bit of money. When you are ready, we will be happy to provide multiple car shipping quotes so you can get some accurate pricing to compare!

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